Friday, August 29, 2014

Cruelty begets Cruelty

Ok. This is in regards to I.S.I.S.:

Recently it was reported on "Good Morning America" I.S.I.S. water boarded James Foley twice, using C.I.A. techniques.

Someone forget to tell I.S.I.S. that two wrongs never make a right?

I've heard it said that water boarding was referred to as 'extreme discomfort', and is necessary as a part of an 'advanced interrogation technique',  to obtain information from a subject which refuses to share information under 'normal means'. What follows is my response to the phrase 'extreme discomfort': Extreme discomfort my ass! I was water boarded by someone who was treated to this 'advanced interrogation technique'. He spread what he learned liberally and freely. It hurt, people! Cold water in the lungs burns like the fires of hell. I did drown. I am extremely grateful to the gentleman who revived me, else I would not be discussing such with you.

Normally, the people who spout these lies are those who perform the technique.The people who perform these techniques have a sadistic streak. They on purpose forget to check the health condition of the person before they cause irreversible damage.

The C.I.A. forgets that they played a part in this. Someone forgot to tell the C.I.A. that even the Catholic Popes would say 'what was necessary' to get the pain to stop. They did this to people under the auspices of getting more information. The people who survived have a grudge against America now and they are performing this barbaric and brutal practice on captured Americans.

Until we the people speak up, this cycle will never break.

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