Thursday, August 14, 2014

Act Wisely for Michael Brown

Nothing can be done to bring back the unarmed teenager shot to death. It's a senseless loss that affects everyone who hears about it. However, everyone who wants to act needs to stop and think about it!

Destroying businesses that do not belong to you helps nobody, makes you a criminal. Taking merchandise that belongs to others means you are a thief. Attacking cops means you have a death wish. Criminals and thieves are nothing but future prison inmates. Having a death wish means you belong on a locked psych ward. Nobody has been helped! Your actions will now be controlled in a way out of the deepest darkest corners of your mind, reflecting your hidden nightmares.

Calm down if you want to help. Organize a voter drive to do several things:

1) A voter drive to remove the police chief for failure to control his officers.

2) A voter drive to remove any city officials connected with decreased funds to retain and train police officers.

3) Organize a drive at the state level to get yearly psychological testing for law enforcement. Depending on the test, several responses for not making the grade from treatment, to job placement that doesn't threaten the public to retirement with no threat to pension. Grant you the state will kvetch but they have to pay for such.

4) Mandatory yearly training in psychology, sociology and English offered online.

5) As the state will kvetch, whine and moan that there is not enough funding to do three and four, start a drive to get rid of government perks. Remove government cars and drivers and free gas. Enforce mandatory eight hour shifts to get access to health insurance and the like, so that the government workers can see how private sector employees have to earn their perks. This will have additional benefits on other topics.

6) All police shootings reviewed by the Missouri Bureau of Investigation.

People! Put your anger into righteous anger. Make changes that count for a lifetime and call them the 'Michael Brown' Laws.

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