Thursday, May 18, 2017

My opinion about President #45

Listened to President #45 whine last night about how he was the most mistreated President.  Read this morning that he felt he was the subject of "the single greatest witch hunt in American history." The 200 accused of witchcraft and 20 executed as witches in Salem, Mass. might have something to say to him about that status if they were alive.   I did not hear a President speaking. What I heard was a petulant child that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar after being told no.

He was elected to be a President of change for the better.  All  we got was a man promoting an agenda for the wealthy.  Elderly, children, and the poor had block grants cut for food. See my blog on the horrors of his budget from 3/16/17.

Paul Ryan, President #45's acolyte, wants to do away with medicare and give vouchers. If a person can not afford to pay for the difference, then they just do without and die. Now I know why I read about an underground push to cremate bodies of people who died due to these actions and send them to Paul Ryan. See the links below. He made it so the person would die, so he earned the right to their ashes.  He should have to hold and see the results of of his actions.

I worked in a job where vouchers were used for health care. As soon as the new media left, so did the Dr.'s and hospitals who claimed they would accept the vouchers. The few who would accept them added a price tag so high with them that only the rich could afford them. If Paul Ryan cuts Medicare what is the government going to do without the money that was and is being taken out of  checks for social security and medicare.

President #45 never heard of or was taught one important thing when you are in a job of power. Be careful of the backs you dance on and climb over to get to the top.  They are connected to the backsides you will have to kiss on the way down.  No matter what you say or feel, you will have to kiss them at least proverbially. Nobody stays on the top forever, so you should have planned for your trip to the bottom.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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