Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Some conversations are part of a sad reality

Over coffee this morning, I had an eye opening conversation with Lone Walker.  Followed this an on line conversation with a friend or two.  We talked about parallels between a new movie that is out and various video games and President #45.  It pains me to admit that the Geeks were right.  Call me Geek now because I stand with their view point.

This President's reign has introduced us to the concept of alternative truth versus fact.  I try hard to not think on that. The only other person that I knew with that mentation was "barking at the moon" mad and an extremely dangerously scary person.

Several video games are considered good practice now. They give an idea of what can happen in our reality. Our reality under President #45.

A new concept has come into play during President #45's reign.  If the news is truthful or extremely close to home call it fake.  Scream it loud and long and most unfortunately constantly.  It has back fired some. When he screams "fake news" people now look closer. They are searching for what he is trying to hide.

A new movie is out. I won't mention its name. Women are taking a deep breath and raising an eyebrow after seeing it, when President #45 is mentioned. After all his opinion about women and their body parts are well known.  His stated preference to grab them by this part is the stuff of nightmares.

I watched news feeds and read the following links before blogging.







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