Sunday, May 7, 2017

Some Republicans who voted for Trump care didn't read bill

It is sad that some Republicans who voted for the new Health Care Bill did not even bother to read it. In fact, they were quiet snide in their replies. They had staff that read the bill and told them what was in it.  One even admitted that he turned every page and thoroughly read the amendments.  One that shocked me was the response given when questioned about reading the bill.  He felt that people did not want him to waste his time doing so because of the statutory language. He hires people to do that for him.

The office help was not elected to be a Representative.  A single person was voted into office. The least the Representative can do is read the bill before him. It's part of their job. Perhaps the voters of their district should elect someone that doesn't feel reading is not part of their job. When it comes down to it, it wouldn't be the first time that someone with their own agenda played the person asleep at the wheel.

Please read the following links for the names in question. Keep in mind that some are saying they doubted any Representative read the bill.  Remember that when you vote at election time. Put someone in office who understands that reading something before you put your name to it is important. It's a life skill taught to high school students.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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