Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Some Republication think people with pre-existing conditions lead bad lives

GOP Rep. Chaffetz: Americans may need to choose between "new iphone... they just love" and investing in health care

It is hard to believe but some members of congress think that people who lead bad lives have pre-existing conditions. Therefore they should pay more for insurance. That is why the new version of Trump care has a very sneaky way of reinforcing this. All people will be covered, but.  If you have a pre-existing condition, the insurance company can charge you more. This pre-existing condition could be pregnancy or being born with asthma. Children born with heart conditions would be under this classification.

I was born with a malformed duct in my pancreas. Until this was discovered, I had the problems of chronic pancreatitis. I do not or have ever drank. Alcohol is gross and foul to me in all forms. It was no surprise that I developed diabetes with pancreatitis. I can't afford an insulin pump.  So I take high doses of insulin by shots. These Republicans believe I led a bad life to get pancreatitis  so soon after birth. The logic eludes me.

The lack of knowledge in the above tweet is astounding. Iphones can paid on a monthly basis. My son does his. This solves problems that the above Republican seems clueless of. Iphones are connected to the internet. There is no deposit to the cable company and a monthly bill. Children have access to the internet for their homework.  I have a friend who uses this for her kids who need access for homework. There is also no expensive bill for a landline phone. The deposit is high and the bill is not cheap.

Perhaps if Republicans connected with their constituents and remembered they are not autonomous, they would not be thought of as enemies of poor Americans. Life happens and sometimes not in a good way. I have been working since the fourth grade. What I have, I paid for.  At one time I owned land and could get a loan on signature status.

Life happens. My son was born ill and I sold everything to pay our way. It was not enough. Eventually I had to get help. I won't  hang my head over this.  No American should have to hang their head.  Our Government needs to stop. The actions of Hitler's "Life unworthy of Life" was not good then. It is still an atrocity.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.










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