Wednesday, May 24, 2017

President #45 told Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte about submarines and North Korea

On April 29,2017 President # 45 called Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.  The purpose being to discuss the rising threat from North Korea and ways to stop his ambition for nuclear weapons. Grade school children playing war games at recess know better than to do what President #45 did. He told Duterte about the two Nuclear submarines he sent to North Korea after he discussed his approach to handling the drug problem in his country. He told Duterte to keep up the good work and he was doing an amazing job.  Duterte is know for directing thousands of extrajudicial killings in his country.  He has bragged about riding his motorcycle and shooting what he thought were drug dealers. That fits the definition of mass murderer.

I research material for several blogs at a time by keeping multiple tabs open at a time. On another subject, I found there is a transcript of this phone call on the Internet. It surprised me where it was located. So I clicked on the link.

I never got pass the warnings on the first page cover letter. The large confidential stamped on it made me raise an eyebrow. The kicker was the sentences that stated that it may not be a crime to print it but it would hurt the interest of the United States to do so. Closed out that page quick and cleaned  the computer thoroughly.

I may not agree with the normal goings on in government. My country's government is on the road to hell by denying food and medical care to the elderly, disabled, pregnant women, babies and youth. Their alternative facts or fancy lies about this makes a roller coaster seem like a walk in the park. But, I will still take the crap from my country over any other country I know.  Right or wrong this is still my country and I will not knowingly print something that they say will hurt it.  Besides, confidential means somebody got it when they were not supposed to do so.

President # 45 may be an idiot.  Some days I can't make up mind if he needs a mandatory psychiatric evaluation or impeachment. Now I believe he needs both

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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