Tuesday, May 23, 2017

President # 45 should feel shame

Please read my blog from 03/18/17. It's title is "Budget director Mick Muvaney opens mouth and horror falls out. The links that I used are listed below and have * in front of the link.

Nothing has changed. Programs that ensure that the weakest and poorest members of our society have food have been been cut in the budget that President # 45 is proud of.  Housing and the ability to stay warm in the winter are cut. College programs that help the poor to go to school and better them self have been cut.  Food and shelter is not an entitlement, it is a right.

The only ones that are protected are the wealthy and influential. Their taxes have been cut.  Why hasn't  President # 45 done some basic changes so the elderly and children can eat. First cut all the perks for government. Second he should pay back all the money for security spent for him and his wife staying every where but the White House and Camp David.  Stop all the extreme copying of documents when one or two is sufficient. Everyone should use their own car. The only one who needs a driver is the President and Vice-President for security.

The above and much more are just entitlements for the wealthy. Clean up your own house to cut money before your take food, medicine, and housing away from people who are almost living on the street as it is. I see why the movement has been started to send ashes and bodies to Paul Ryan, President 45, and the Vice President. If their actions causes deaths, they should see the tangible results and understand their actions have consequences..

I believe firmly if a person runs for the position of President, he should have an examination by a psychiatric expert. This must be an in depth examination. To run a nation established on the principles that the United States has, a sound mind is essential

It is a tendency for humans to be egocentric. A normal brain recognizes that this is wrong. With out thinking about it, the brain recognizes that lack of empathy is wrong and corrects itself. I see from actions in our government that this is absent. All members should have a MRI. The right supra marginal gyrus controlls this. It must be damaged. Behavioral management training will help the individuals with damage learn to care about something besides them selves.

Hitler started doing away with people who got in his way. That progressed to the " Life unworthy of Life" program. History unlearned is history that will be repeated. Freezing in the winter is OK with our government. Taking away food from the elderly, children, babies and pregnant women just floats somebodies boat in government. What is the next step? Concentration camps for those who shout this is wrong.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


















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